Fincastle Resolutions Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
2013 Membership Meetings
Tuesday November 19, 2013 11:30am
Speaker: Valerie Jabbar, Vice-President of Merchandising of the Kroger Company, here in Roanoke. Valerie will discuss the various contributions Kroger makes to the Roanoke Valley in the area of employment, economics, and support for various organizations such as the Rescue Mission.
Lt. Brandt Gawor of the Franklin County Sheriff's Department will receive the Law Enforcement Award.
Saturday October 19, 2013 6:00pm
A fabulous evening was hosted by the Fincastle Resolutions Chapter for Ladies Night on October 19th. The evening celebration took place at Hotel Roanoke in the "Overlook Room". Festivities began at 6 PM with an open bar and social hour.
During the social hour there was an opportunity to donate $10.00 for a coupon towards the $150.00 Kroger gift card that was given to our chapter. There was a drawing for one lucky winner.
A scrumptious five course meal was served to the members and guests who will be seated 8 people per table.
Then Dr. Elaine Lange, Superintendent of Roanoke County schools, presented a slide presentation about her 40 plus years in the county school system and the transition to computerized teaching.
Dr. Lange's Presentation Dr. Lange receiving award from 2nd V.P. Phil Sheridan
We invited city and county history teachers to be our guests for this night. A round table discussion was shared with the educators discussing "SOLS" with the group at each table and their significance to the affected teachers, and the SAR members exploring ways to make Revolutionary War History more exciting and relevant in 21st century.
Pres. Charlie Coale, 1st V.P. Duane Lenart, Dr. Lange, and the other educators

Tuesday September 17, 2013 11:30am
The speaker was Alison S. Blanton, President of Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation. She directed her remarks about the planning and people behind RVPF along with the historic and cultural resources of the Roanoke valley. Her speech was very well received, drawing many questions. She offered personal guided tours of the historice African-American section of Roanoke and some of the historic downtown areas, if the membership is interested.
Alison Blanton
Rick Hodge and Wayne Myers, co-chairpersons of the Rescue College of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads at Virginia Tech received the EMT Award, and offered brief remarks about their work.
John Cahoon and Morgan Howard received War Service medals. David Wright received a Military Service medal.
John Cahoon, Jim Gurley, John Gurley, Doug Hankins, and Mike Jones were inducted as new members and received their SAR rosettes.

March 19, 2013 Program
Dalton Ruggieri, a Junior at Franklin County High School, and the Chapter's 2012 Knight Essay contest entrant, presented his work as a stirring oration. The subject was the Federalist and anti-Federalist factions at the Virginia Constitutional Ratification.
The Chapter 2012 Teacher of the Year award was presented to Mary Walker, History and AP History teacher at Franklin County High School.
The 2012 Good Citizenship Award was presented to Keith Pennington, Assistant Principal and Curriculum Director at Botetourt High School, who unfortunately was unable to attend in person.
Chuck Poland received a Supplemental Ancestor Certificate.
At President Charlie Coale's request, Chuck Poland gave a brief description of the new Chapter website. He requested input, including photographs, from any Chapter member.
Tommy Moore, Circuit County Clerk of Botetourt County gave an extremely interesting speech on "Early Botetourt (Its Lands, Its Documents, and Its People)". This included some very good discussion on preserving old records. He brought with him a sampling of some of the very old, interesting, and valuable records kept by his office. He also distributed copies of a chart on the evolution of Virginia counties, which genealogists will find very useful.
President Charlie Coale reminded everyone of the annual Ladies Night Banquet on Saturday April 20, 2013.
After the close of the meeting, those who were able left to go for a tour of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Salem.
May 21, 2013 Program
A Flag Certificate was awarded to Kroger Corporation, accepted by Mrs. Allison McGhee.
A War Service Medal was awarded to Mr. Curtis Finch of our Chapter.
Guests were Mr. Jim Crowgey, Mrs. Peggy Davis, Mr. John Ewald, and Mr. Channing Preston.
A panel discussion was held, moderated by Rupert Cutler of our Chapter, about the Colonel William Preston memorial, including participation by:
• David Hill, designer of the memorial
• Kathleen Guzi, Botetourt County Administrator
• Edward Preston, direct descendant of Colonel William Preston
John Bradshaw of our Chapter
President Coale made the following announcements:
Rupert Cutler and John Bradshaw are working on a possible summer trip plan for August
Duane Lenart and Phil Sheridan are working to identify youth contest candidates
Our website should be our primary vehicle for communications with Chapter members