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Minutes of September 8, 2015 Board of Managers Meeting

Present: Cutler, Lenart, Linton, Smeltzer, Howard, Coale, Galer, Poland, Keith, Cahoon, Sheridan, Burgher, Miesen, Gurley                                                                                                                                                                                                        Spurgeon Keith: Report of summer activities. Read/Fleming cemetery: $2,200 check given to contractors, work continues, work needs to be done on Read portion. Kroger card program re-register needed. Bring magazines in for VA patients.   


Fulton Galer, Treasurer's report: Checking balance 8/31/15, $9,532.57. Preston Memorial fund balance 8/31/15, $66,201.83. Contributions to Preston Memorial for 2015, $14,225.00. Contributions to Preston Memorial last 12 months,

$16, 475.00. Total contributions and earnings to Preston Memorial Fund, $84,201.83


Al Linton, updates on Americanism report for first, second and third quarters.


Phil Sheridan, summer report, successful Lynchburg trip, SML trip cancelled. Sheridan made motion to donate $120.00 to Lynchburg DAR for Wreaths Across America, passed. Sent out 2016 travel survey. 


John Gurley, Historian, collecting material for scrapbook.


Al Linton, Registrar's report: 2 new members, 5 pending applications.  


Charlie Coale, Immediate Past President report: Audit report done was positive. Nominations completed for 2016 chapter officers. Assisting New River chapter SAR. Montgomery County chairman for youth contests.  

                                                                                                                                                                            Rupe Cutler: Preston Memorial phase 1 to be completed 19 September, organizing ribbon cutting ceremony for memorial. VASSAR meeting, 91 registered, 61 SAR, 26 guests, 16 chapter members registered, 2 members helping at memorial ceremony. 


Mike Smeltzer, Read/Fleming cemetery SAR/DAR responsible for Read portion, more work needs to be done.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Al Linton, Constitution Day, Virginia History Museum approved 1 day display, Linton will be present.


Chuck Poland, membership skill survey ready for newsletter.


Al Linton, Asa Hall grave marking 19 December 1pm, at Halls Church Elliston.                                                   


Duane Lenart, Board meeting at Smithfield Plantation with tour 7 October 12pm.   


Chuck Poland, Awards to be presented: Dr. Charles Lane, police representative, awards for schools coming up, scholarship award applications due 15 December. 


Dave Howard, Bedford Genealogy Fair, 12 September, 4 members will attend for recruiting. 


Minutes of May 12, 2015 Board of Managers Meeting


Members present: Cahoon, Fritts, Galer, Lenart, Linton, and Poland


Fulton Galer presented the treasurer’s report indicating that the chapter’s checking account current balance is $3,087.00 and that the current balance of the William Preston Memorial Project is $64,814.00. The newly established Chapter Scholarship Fund has received a $200.00 donation. Other donations include $50.00 to the Read-Fleming Cemetery Fund and $75.00 designated to the preservation of 1812 veteran pension records. Treasurer Galer also presented a written list of those members with delinquent dues and collections which listed a number of deceased members.


Under unfinished business, Second Vice-President Chuck Poland presented an update on the awarding of medals and certificates to JROTC cadets. BOM members were reminded of First Vice-President Phil Sheridan’s planned summer field trips to Red Hill/Historic Sandusky scheduled for July 18th and to the Smith Mountain Lake outing/Franklin County sites scheduled for August 20th.


Among new business, was a highlighted agenda item which gave special recognition to Dr. Rupert Cutler for speaking to local DAR Chapters about Colonel William Preston and for collecting funds for the Preston Memorial Project slated for Saturday afternoon September 19th ground breaking ceremony at Greenfield, Botetourt County.


Invitations to the May 19th Ladies Night have been issued to Roanoke regional DAR Regents and SAR Chapters. President Lenart reported that to date 39 persons have made a reservation either by paying in advance or have indicated that they plan to pay at the door. Guest speaker for this event will be Shelley Hendry of Knoxville who will portray First Lady Abigail Adams. Among those to be honored at this event are: Mark Day, Teacher of the Year; George Kegley, Good Citizenship Award and 14 year old, Glory Rogers who will be presented the Heroism Award.


President Lenart presented a proposal that the Fincastle Resolutions Chapter (FRC) create a FRC Trust as a means to generate income. The interest from this trust would help in satisfying newly established chapter commitments, e.g. the Chapter Scholarship Fund. After discussion, it was determined that the establishment of a FRC Trust would not yield enough financial interest in today’s economic market.


Minutes of March 10, 2015 Board of Managers Meeting


BOM members present: Coale, Cutler, Galer, Huffman, Keith, Lenart, Linton, Poland, Sheridan and Smeltzer


President Duane Lenart conveyed his greetings and expressed to all respective members present that he appreciated the varied tasks each performed on behalf of the chapter. These endeavors ranged from serving as editor of the newsletter to managing field trips for the enrichment of the membership.


Minutes of the January 13th, 2015 BOM meeting was read by Secretary Linton. Minutes were accepted with minor corrections.


The treasurer's report was presented by Fulton Galer, who itemized chapter expenditures, gross receipts, and Preston memorial contributions. Among the expenditures were a total of S200 cash awards to JROTC and essay award recipients with $100 awarded to each recipient, a $500 retainer fee to Hilton Garden Inn, and costs of luncheon served. The Society of the War of 1812 contributed $200. Current balance is $ 4,856.36. The Preston Memorial has received $500 from the Jewish Foundation of the West. The current balance of the Preston Memorial is $64,102.00 with $3,500 earmarked payable to Hill Studio. The presented treasurer's report was accepted and approved.


First Vice-President Phil Sheridan reported that he is finalizing his plans for summer field trips and the issuance of an invitation to those persons identified as possible guest speakers. His brother, Dr. Robert E. Sheridan will be the guest speaker next week at the regular membership meeting on St. Patrick's Day (March 17th). He will speak about the life and times of General Daniel Morgan. First Vice-President Sheridan also stated that a check in the amount of $150.00 for a perpetual advertisement promoting an event has been returned to Treasurer Fulton as the event was cancelled.


Second Vice-President Chuck Poland presented his schedule of 2015 award presentations. He has also added to the website the history of the Fincastle Resolutions SAR chapter.


Secretary Linton presented an update on the Americanism and President General Streamer's Report. The report was submitted to the designated NASSAR Americanism chairman before the March 1st deadline. It was not send to the VASSAR chairman as he had resigned due to reason of health. The categories of the report were reviewed.


Treasurer Galer presented a written report of delinquent dues. A number of long-standing members identified as having not paid were the "deceased". He also listed members in question who have paid and those who have not paid to date.


Registrar Danny Huffman reported that the 2015 total to date of new members is five. Two of the new members maintain a State of Florida address. Reinstatements for 2015 were reviewed.


Rupert Cutler, who stated that he did not feel well during the meeting's duration, reiterated that the Jewish Foundation of the West contributed $500 toward the Preston Memorial's Phase One construction. Boy Scouts projects and in-kind contributions are being explored as a means to off-set projected costs. There should be sufficient site construction to merit the organizing of a field trip for the VASSAR semi-annual meeting attendees in September.

Minutes of November 10, 2015 Board of Managers Meeting


Treasurer Galer, balances for checking account $9,260, for Preston Memorial fund $2,731, donations received, $300 for scholarship fund, $100 for Read/Fleming cemetery fund.


Immediate past president Coale, audit for 2016 set up.


Registrar Linton, application for Lee Hadden completed and will be submitted.


Chairman Cutler, Preston Memorial report, Botetourt County Historical Association gave grant of $1,000 to memorial and will be matched by $1,000 from Botetourt County Supervisor, John Williamson. Motion, chapter would continue to be involved with Preston Memorial, raising funds for completion, continue to work with Botetourt County, ask chapter members for donations, passed.


General discussion, concerning proposed plan to move original kitchen and slave quarters building off the site to make room for industrial building at Greenfield Plantation. Motion, adopt resolution from board, stating objection to moving kitchen and slave quarters buildings from original site, passed. Motion, contact VASSAR to pass a similar resolution to chapter resolution, objecting to moving these two buildings, passed.


Sheridan, 1st vice-president, trips/speakers bureau report, meeting for 22 February, 2016, 6pm, Washington's Birthday, speaker will be Dr. Peter Coogan, topic will be Washington the Man, the Leader. Update on Philadelphia trip planning.

Minutes of October 13, 2015 Board of Managers Meeting

Registrar Linton, Americanism report up to date, newspaper articles from Fincastle paper will be added. 4 applications pending, 5 people showing interest, 2 supplemental applications pending. Requests position of assistant registrar be established. Update on AS Hall grave marking, December 19th, 1PM.


Rupert Cutler, Preston Memorial update, $98,000 received in donations, paid to Hill Studio $18,000, to Lionberger Construction $65,000, final bill coming, looking for positive results from County for phase 2. 


2nd vice president Poland, skill survey will be in next newsletter. SAR awards and certificates will be presented at next two meetings. School programs update for JROTC and scholarship awards, oration and essay, poster and brochure contests.                                                                                                                                          

1st vice president Sheridan, 2016 trip survey results, 7 members interested in Philadelphia trip, considering trip in November to reopening of Yorktown Victory Center.  


Coale, immediate past president, 2016 officers nominations complete. Reaching out to New River chapter. Chapter will cosponsor program for 22 March 6 pm at Giles County Historical Society. Working with kids on poster and brochure contest.                                                                                                                           

President Lenart 2 new members will be inducted at October membership meeting, Wayne Miesen and Bob Sheridan. Application for Culpepper license plate will be in next newsletter.  Report of Smithfield meeting: 8 members attended, brain storming session, focus will be on enhancing the history of the Revolutionary War in SW Virginia, will follow up after first of the year. Proposed membership meeting for Washington’s birthday February 22, details to be resolved. Register for Kroger card. Chapter will participate in Roanoke Veterans Day Parade on November 7.                                                              

Minutes of January 13, 2015 Board of Managers Meeting

Present: Coale, Cutler, Galer, Gurley, Huffman, Keith, Lenart, Poland, Sheridan, Smeltzer


The minutes from the November Board meeting were approved.


Secretary Poland reported that the Chapter annual report to VASSAR has been submitted on time, with enhanced content over prior years. The Americanism report, which we have not previously submitted, requires further work, but is not due until March 15th. He recommended that we work on these reports throughout the year, rather than waiting until year-end. We have requested that VASSAR provide us with a consolidated calendar of all NSSAR and VASSAR report submission deadlines. A list of VASSAR and NSSAR events is on the Chapter website, to improve Chapter participation in these events. The Chapter roster and directory have been updated and distributed.


Treasurer Galer presented the Treasurer’s report, which was approved:

Total contributions to the Preston Memorial fund in calendar year 2014 increased significantly since November to $2,905.00.

The 2015 dues process went very well, with several previously lapsed members re-joining, and only 3 of the 2014 members not having paid to date.

Current checking account balance is $8,782.25.

Preston account balance is $62,942.50.


President-elect Lenart will prepare a proposal for an evening dinner to be held on Washington’s Birthday in 2016, in addition to our current meetings, or instead of the March meeting, for the next Board meeting.


Rupert Cutler met with the Botetourt County Finance Chairman, and obtained his support for the plan for the Preston Memorial. Budget commitment for phase 1 is expected in February. The possibility of using Eagle Scout projects to assist in meeting the September 2015 date was discussed. A Preston family member may donate two family portraits.


Dr. Cutler said the Hilton Garden Inn at South Peak has been selected as the site for the VASSAR semi-annual meeting in 2015, at a very favorable rate. We are waiting for a contract signature from Wayne Rouse, the VASSAR Secretary.


Chancellor Smeltzer reported the DAR has appointed Sarah Ludwig as trustee for the Read-Fleming Cemetery. Money has been transferred from the previous trustee, and the deed should be transferred soon. The Trustees are in the process of applying for a tax exemption under section 501c(17) of the Internal Revenue Code,  similar to 501c(3) for charities. Spurgeon Keith will work with Tucker Lemon to develop a plan for the physical property, probably to include capstone and fencing work, as well as a Chapter work party.


President-elect Lenart suggested the possibility of a rented van for a group to go to the Crossing of The Dan event on 2/14/2015.


Phil Sheridan reported that we only got one submission for the Essay Contest, from Franklin County, and none for the Oration Contest. We had one submission for the Enhanced ROTC Contest, also from Franklin County. Spurgeon Keith reported that there were no Eagle Scout scholarship submissions.


Phil Sheridan discussed plans for a Smith Mountain Lake Summer event, probably in August. He also reviewed his proposed speakers, which still have to be confirmed.


Registrar Huffman reported that 2 members of the Ward family have been admitted since the last meeting. 3 other applications are ready for submission.


Spurgeon Keith is collecting magazines, books, and games to be donated to the veterans at the VA Hospital.


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