Fincastle Resolutions Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
2015 Meetings
November 19, 2015 Meeting of Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation
The Fincastle Resolutions Chapter received an award for its work on the Col. William Preston memorial.

November 17, 2015 Meeting
Speaker: John Cahoon, a member of our Chapter, graduate of Virginia Tech, and a former Army Captain was the speaker on the subject of The American Soldier. He discussed the contrinutions of the American Citizen-Soldier over the history of our country in a very powerful and emotional speech.

Lt. Mike Elston of the Salem Fire Department received the Fire Safety Commendation Medal.

Dr Charles Lane of Franklin County received the Emergency Medical Services Commendation Medal.

Boy Scout John Gurley, Jr. (pictured with his father, a member of the Chapter, on the right) received a Certificate of Appreciation for his work on the Col. William Preston Memorial. Boy Scout Bruce Ferrell, who was unable to attend, will also recive a Certificate of Appreciation at the next Scout meeting.

The officers for 2016 who were nominated at the October 20, 2015 meeting were unanimously elected. They will be installed at the January 19, 2016 meeting.
October 20, 2015 Meeting
Speaker: Col. Keith Gibson from VMI was the speaker on the subject of George Washington, Fourth Founder of VMI. He discussed the role the American model of the Citizen-Soldier has played in history of VMI.

Sgt. David Morris of the Roanoke City Police Department received the Law Enforcement Commendation Medal.

New members Wayne Miesen and Robert Sheridan and transfer member Bo Hagen were inducted into the Chapter by Past President Charlie Coale, assisted by 1st VP Phil Sheridan and 2nd VP Chuck Poland.

Chuck Poland Wayne Miesen Robert Sheridan Bo Hagen Phil Sheridan Charlie Coale
The nominations for officers for 2016 were announced and approved. They are the same as the 2015 officers. Elections will be held at the November 17, 2015 meeting.
Tentative plans for an evening meeting on George Wahington's Birthday, Monday February 22, 2016 at the Hilton Garden Inn at South Peak were discussed by 2nd VP Phil sheridan. More details will be announced later.
Col. William Preston Memorial Dedication Ceremony September 19, 2015
After about two decades of consideration, and six years of concentrated fund raising and planning, the first phase of the Col. William Preston Memorial was dedicated by the Fincastle Resolutions Chapter on September 19, 2015. The site is located next to the Botetourt Education and Training Center at Greenfield in Botetourt County, on the grounds of Col. Preston's former plantation. The ceremony was directed by Dr. Rupert Cutler, who was co-Chairman with John Bradshaw of the Chapter Col. William Preston Memorial Committee. The dedication was very well attended, and very successful. The flag was hoisted up the flagpole, donated by Woodmen Insurance, by two Eagle Scout candidates, who are working on supplying benches and lanscaping for the memorial. They led the Pledge of Allegiance. Their Scoutmaster, John Gurley, is the Chapter Historian.

Chapter President Duane Lenart welcomed everyone, and gave remarks about the Chapter's history with the project. VASSAR President Dr. Reverdy Wright, who is also a former Chapter President, also spoke.

Other speakers were a representative of the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors, and a descendant of Col. William Preston.

The final piece of the drama was the delivery and stentorian proclamation by Chapter member Dennis Fritts (who's also the President of the Society of the War of 1812 in Virgina), in Revolutionary War attire, of the transfer of responsibility for the Col. William Preston Memorial from the Fincastle Resolutions Chapter to Boutetourt County.

VASSAR Semi-Annual Meeting September 18-19, 2015
This meeting was run by VASSAR. It was held at the Hilton Garden Inn at South Peak in Roanoke County. The Fincastle Resolutions Chapter acted as the Host Chapter, with Dr. Rupert Cutler as the Chairman of the committee for the very successful event. Rupe received a Certificate of Distinguished Service for his outstanding work in preparing for and organizing this event.

A large number of other chapter members volunteered to help, and received Certificates of Appreciation. Some of them are pictured here. Others were not available, because they were out working. Dr. Reverdy Wright, VASSAR President, and a member of our Chapter, is in the middle of the picture. The high attendance by our Chapter members at this event was very well received by VASSAR officials.

Duane Lenart, the Chapter President, welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Roanoke area.

The luncheon speaker for the event was Jim Glanville, who spoke about Col. William Preston. This was excellent preparation for the Chapter ceremony at the Col. William Preston Memorial later on the same day.

Another interesting, and emotional, part of the program was a speech by a wounded warrior about his experiences, and the presentation to him of a very nice tool kit.

September 15, 2015 Meeting
Speaker: Betsy Hanmer on Patrick Henry, his life and his impact. She was assisted by Hope Marstin. They are from Red Hill, Patrick Henry's last residence. They both received Certificates of Appreciation.

Betsy Hanmer, 1st VP Phil Sheridan, Hope Marstin
Assistant Chaplain Dave Howard, Registrar Al Linton, and Secretary Wayne Miesen were installed as Chapter officers.

Wayne Miesen received the War Service Medal.
Orchard Villas received the Flag Award. This will be delivered at their next Home Owners Association meeting.
May 19, 2015 Ladies Night Dinner
Speaker: Shelley Hendry as Abigail Adams, Woman Ahead of Her Times.
Shelley has a masters degree in secondary education and has completed additional post-graduate work in speech and drama. An avid reader with over 30 years experience in public speaking, her passion is to bring to life the remarkable stories of history's heroines, particularly those who are personal heroines to her. Her performances have been for her a series of tributes to those in history whose lives and life lessons bring vision and inspiration for this and coming generations. They are a personal way to show honor and appreciation to those in our nation who have contributed to its success, and to inspire all who are now its citizens to see the glory and potential of their own contributions. For her it is no mere career, but a means to expanding the marvelous stories of history and their life-impacting potential.

George A. Kegley received the Bronze Good Citizenship Award.

Mark R. Day received the Teacher of the Year Award.

12 year old Glory Rogers received the Chapter Heroism Award for saving her grandfather by peforming CPR for an extended period of time, until EMS arrived, after he had a heart attack.

Larry Allan Hunt received the Military Service Award.

James Stanley was inducted as a new member.

Rupert Cutler providede an update on the progress on the Col. William Fleming Memorial, which is planned to have Phase 1 of construction completed by September 19, 2015. He also provided an update on the VASSAR Semi-annual Meeting, sponsored by the Chapter, on September 18-19, 2015. Mike Smeltzer provided an update on the Read-Fleming Cemetery Trust. Reverdy Wright made brief remarks about VASSAR activities.

Rupert Cutler Mike Smeltzer Reverdy Wright
March 17, 2015 Meeting
Speaker: Dr. Robert E. Sheridan, who is a marine geophysicist and marine geologist who studied the North American Atlantic continental margin for over fifty years. He has a bachelor’s degree in geology from Rutgers University and master’s and Ph.D. degrees in marine geophysics from Columbia University. He was an associate professor at the University of Delaware when he was part of the team that discovered the USS Monitor wreck off Cape Hatteras. As a descendant of a Union Army veteran with an interest in Civil War history, his work on the discovery and recovery of the USS Monitor allowed him to combine his vocation with his avocation, the love of history. Sheridan moved to Rutgers as a full professor in 1986 and he retired in 2003. He is active at Rutgers as a professor emeritus. He lives in New Jersey with his wife Karen.
After retirement he served on several groups working on Civil War history and local environmental and historic preservation projects. One of those historical projects was the installation of a plaque for General Daniel Morgan near his birthplace along the Musconetcong River a few miles from Sheridan’s home. This project was partly funded by the Jockey Hollow Chapter of the Sons of the Revolution and the US Park Service. Bob discussed the research for this Morgan plaque and knowledge about his Revolutionary War ancestor, Capt. Diel Rockefeller, who served alongside Morgan’s Rifles at the Battle of Saratoga. He gave an excellent summary of General Morgan's life, starting from growing up illiterate in a log cabin on a small farm, to his successes at the Battles of Saratoga and Cowpens.

Bob Sheridan President Duane Lenart, Bob Sheridan, Bob's brother 1st VP Phil Sheridan
Dennis Fritts received the Chapter Distinguished Service Award from Past President Charlie Coale

VASSAR President Reverdy Wright addressed his plans for the next year.
February 20, 2015 VASSAR Annual Meeting
Six Fincastle Resolutions Chapter members attended the 125th anniversary VASSAR annual meeting in Richmond:
Charlie Coale, Rupert Cutler, Dennis Fritts, Duane Lenart, Chuck Poland, and Reverdy Wright.
Reverdy Wright was installed as the new President of VASSAR.

Duane Lenart, Chapter President, accepted flag streamers for the Chapter Excellence award, and awards as the Sponsor of the Best JROTC Candidate, Brittany Carter, and the Hero of the Year, Jacob Miller.

Chuck Poland received the Webmaster of the Year award.

In total, the Chapter received four flag streamers.
January 20, 2015 Member Luncheon
Speaker: John R. Long, Director of the Salem, VA History Museum:
Mr. Long delivered a dynamic and informative overview of the life of Charles Johnston, who was captured by the Shawnee about 1790, but lived to write a narrative of his experience. A highlight of his life was an interaction with George Washington conveying his story of captivity as he traveled down the Ohio River by keelboat with his party, which included his employer, two other men and the sisters, Dolly and Peggy Fleming. Near the juncture of the Ohio and Scioto River, the party was lured to the bank by the Indians, who killed one of the sisters outright, and the others were taken prisoner. Favored by the Indians as he was able to cook dishes flavored with chocolate bits, Johnston was released after five weeks, when a ransom was paid by Canadian fur trader, Francis Duchouquet. After writing his memoirs. Charles Johnston relocated to the Roanoke Valley.

The 2014 Chapter Police award was presented to Roanoke City Police Chief Chris Perkins, who was unable to attend in November.

The enhanced JROTC award was presented to Air Force Cadet Sgt. Brittany Carter of Franklin County High School, who was accompanied by her father, Lt. Col. Tracey Carter.

The Knight Essay award was presented to Eva Meyer of Franklin County High School.

Installation of new Chapter officers was performed by VASSAR President-elect Reverdy Wright.

The past President's award was presented to Dr. Charlie Coale.

The Lydia Darragh award was presented to Mrs. Ellen Coale.

New members Lilburn and Everett Ward were inducted.

New President Duane Lenart summarized three priorities for 2015:
Have the Read-Fleming Cemetery plot refurbished with financing from the Trust to accomplish this objective, and have an SAR/ DAR plan approved for long term improvements.
Succesful completion of phase I of the Col. Wiiliam Preston Memorial by September
Succesful conduct of the VASSAR semi-annual meeting sponsored by the Chapter in Roanoke in September