Fincastle Resolutions Chapter
Sons of the American Revolution
Fincastle Resolutions Chapter Program of Work
External Projects which benefit the community

Colonel William Preston Memorial
Colonel William Preston represented Botetourt County in the House of Burgesses in the 1760s. He was one of the signers of the
A Revolutionary War colonel, he died in 1783 at age 53.
Phase one of a memorial to Colonel Preston has been completed on the grounds of what was Preston's 18th century plantation at the Greenfield Education and Training Center in Daleville in Botetourt County.
The Fincastle Resolutions Chapter has already raised over $100,000 towards the cost of the memorial. The Daughters of the American Revolution have contributed $3,000 of this. The total cost is expected to be about $180,000. Botetourt County government has also planned to make significant contributions toward the effort.
Youth Activities
SAR Student Awards: Students are recognized for placing in the George and Stella Knight Essay contest and the Joseph E. Rumbaugh Oration contest as well as the Americanism Poster and
2016 Competitor:
Caleb Helsing, home schooled in Blacksburg is the Chapter winner in the Americanism brochure contest. He also won the VASSAR level award.
Past Winners:
Eva Meyer, Franklin County High School was the Chapter winnner in the 2015 essay contest.
Amanda Fike, Franklin County High School was the Chapter winnner in the 2014 essay contest.
Claire Witzel, Franklin County High School was the Chapter winner in the 2014 oration competition. Rachel Rosenfeld, Hidden Valley High School placed third in the VASSAR essay competition in 2013. Rachel will enroll as a freshman at the College of William and Mary for the 2013 fall semester. She loves history so our chapter has a legacy. Dalton Ruggieri, Franklin County High School placed fourth in the VASSAR oration competition in 2013.
ROTC Medal Award Program - This program honors outstanding college cadets in Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC units by awarding the SAR silver ROTC Medal and Certificate based on his/her patriotism, leadership, military bearing, scholarship and general excellence. Selections are typically made by the Senior Military Science Instructors who are in charge of the college programs. Virginia Tech 2015: Navy - Justin Virts; Army - Xavier Mallet; Air Force - Walter Gonsiewski; 2014: Navy - Andrew Greenwood; Army - Benjamin Baldwin; Air Force - Matthew Pucci; 2013: Navy - Michael Simolke; Army - Luke Birch; Air Force - Stephen Tupta; Radford 2015: Army: Kyle Fernandez; 2014: Army: Aaron T. Sronce
Junior ROTC Medal Award Program - This program honors outstanding high school Junior ROTC cadets by awarding the bronze Junior ROTC Medal and Certificate. Selection is typically made by the Senior Junior ROTC instructor. The following high schools are known to have Junior ROTC units: Rocky Mount - Franklin County HS, 2015 - SMSgt Chandler M. Hawkins, 2014 - 1st Lt. Ian Hamrick, 2013 - Jonathan Scott; Roanoke - William Fleming HS, 2015 - Staff Sgt Yassin Al-Tamimi, 2014 - Kenneth Corpening; 2013 - Jaland Robinson; Roanoke - William Byrd HS, 2015 - 1st Lt. Justin D. Creasy, 2014 - Daniel Hunter Naff, 2013 - James Hodges; Roanoke - Patrick Henry HS, 2015 - Capt. Justin Eubanks, 2014 - Capt. Jordan Craft, Enhanced JROTC Capt. Brandon M. Snead, 2013 - Donnie Conner; Lynchburg - E. C. Glass HS, 2015 - MSgt. Tyler L. Jones, 2014 - SMSgt. Ian Oliver; Lynchburg - Heritage HS, 2015 - Lt. Col. Christian Pettibone, 2014 - Michael Colinayo.
Junior ROTC Outstanding Cadet Program – This is a competitive program that requires the high school Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior JROTC cadet to complete a form that lists his/her scholastic, community service, and other extracurricular activities, a 500 to 700 word essay on the topic “How has Junior ROTC prepared me to be a better citizen of the United States of America”, and letters of recommendation by the high school Principal and the Junior ROTC Senior Instructor. Each of the 26 VASSAR chapters then selects a single candidate to enter the VASSAR competition. This chapter winner is also eligible for a bronze Outstanding Cadet Medallion and ribbon to be awarded at the chapter level. The VASSAR winner is awarded a check for $1,000, a very impressive bronze medallion with a silver wreath, a ribbon in SAR colors with a silver frame and star to wear on the uniform, and the Virginia Outstanding Junior ROTC cadet will compete for national honors. The national winner receives $1,000 for travel reimbursement, NSSAR Junior ROTC Cadet of the Year honors, the National Junior ROTC Outstanding Cadet Medallion and a Certificate of Appreciation. The 2015 Chapter winner is Brittany Carter of Franklin County High School. She was also selected as the VASSAR winner for 2015. Nominations are due to by January 15th to Spurgeon Keith. The nomination form can be found at the link below.
Eagle Scout
Each year we send out about 70 Eagle Scout Certificates. Our Chapter sponsors a scholarship contest for Eagle Scouts who have not reached their 19th birthday by December 31 of the contest year. State winners receive monitory awards of $1,000, $500 and $300, and state winners compete for national awards of $8,000, $4,000 and $2,000. Contest rules, forms and suggestions can be reviewed on our national web page at . Scouts will be required to fill out the two-page form listing their accomplishments that can be downloaded from that web page, a four-tier ancestry chart that most Scouts have completed for their Genealogy Merit Badge, and a patriotic essay on any Revolutionary War topic (not to exceed 500 words). They must also have earned the American Heritage and Law Merit Badges. The completed package should be submitted by December 31st to Spurgeon Keith . Our Chapter has had contestants in 4 of the last 5 years, but no winners. The 2012 Chapter winner was Craig M. Tripp, whose essay was on the Swamp Fox.
Educator of the Year
2015 Winner: Mark Day, Advanced Placement History Teacher, Liberty High School; Previous Winner: Mary Walker, Advanced Placement History Teacher, Franklin County High School
Public Safety
Recent Winner: S. D. Honaker from the Botetourt County Sheriff's Department. While attempting to track down a fleeing car thief, he encountered a burning house. He tried to rouse the inhabitants, but got no response. The elderly woman who lived there was warned, and exited via a rear door. Since he was unaware of this, he entered the burning house, and searched for any possible dwellers. Later that day, he was instrumental in the arrest of the car thief and arsonist.
Good Citizenship
2015 Winner: George Kegley of Roanoke.
Recent Winner: Keith Pennington, Assistant Principal and Director of Curriculum at Botetourt County High School.
Read-Fleming Cemetery
On Friday July 18, 2014 the following SAR and DAR members met at the Ole Monterey Golf Course to work on the Read-Fleming cemetery.
Sarah Ludwig – Nancy Christian Fleming DAR
Tucker Lemon – Fincastle Resolutions SAR
Dennis Fritts – Fincastle Resolutions SAR
We accomplished a lot but more still needs to be done.
The Cemetery is managed as a trust jointly by the SAR and DAR. Chancellor Mike Smelter is the SAR Trustee and Sarah Ludwig is the DAR Trustee. Spurgeon Keith is the Chairman of the committee for planning maintenance of the physical facility.
VASSAR Color Guard
The Virginia Society Color Guard has been formed as a service to the State Society and to its chapters. All members of the Virginia Society who are members of a Color Guard are considered to be members of the Virginia Society Color Guard, the Mid-Atlantic District Color Guard and the National Color Guard. Guardsmen may participate at any level or levels they wish at any time.
Color Guards serve as a very visible means of attracting the attention of the general public to the activities of the Society and add a note of color and bearing to our celebrations, both public and private. Frequently used to open and close meetings and ceremonies of the SAR, DAR, CAR and other organizations, they also participate in parades, memorial and commemoration services, grave markings, and other public events. Their attractive uniforms and colorful flags, sometimes accompanied by colonial style music bring favorable publicity to the Society.Color Guardsmen are frequently asked questions concerning their uniforms and equipment and have significant opportunities to educate the public on Revolutionary life, events and history.
Bronze color and Silver color medals are awarded to Color Guardsmen.
Flag Award
Awarded to individuals or corporations for correct and proper flying of the American flag. The 2014 winner was Woodmen of the World. The 2013 winner was Kroger.
Internal Projects which benefit the members
Chapter Awards
Under the able leadership of Spurgeon Keith for 2012, the Chapter received five VASSAR awards:
(1) Chapter Excellence award
(2) Revolutionary War/War of 1812 Joint Plaque Dedication
(3) 100% Participation Flag Program
(4) Private Wreath Laying at Jefferson’s Gravesite
(5) Convention Army Roadside Marker Dedication.
These awards were presented during the annual meeting sessions in Richmond, Virginia.
An additional 2012 Flag Appreciation Certicate was received on February 12, 2013.
War Service and Military Service Certificates
These are awarded to Chapter members who have proven war-time or peace-time service in any branch of the U.S. military forces.
Supplementary Ancestor Certificates
These are awarded to Chapter members who have nominated additional ancestors who meet the requirements for Sons of the American Revolution Patriots. A member may receive more than one certificate. The certificates honor the Patriot ancestors, and may make it easier for other men to join the SAR.